Elaine Bass
547 times
Clever Brander
Owner of "Clever Brander" | Here to Connect with FRIENDS!
January 18, 2020
English, Français, Deutsch
About Me
I listen to and play/perform (on bass) a wide variety: classical, jazz, R&B, funk, blues, reggae, rock, rock 'n roll, pop, etc. My #1 genre is the "New Romantic" alternative music of the 1980s.
I'm not a TV or movie person as such... in fact, I don't even have any television service! I'd rather LIVE than sit and watch other people doing so. Life is not a spectator sport.
None. Don't watch television, as such - just selective content online!
#1: The Holy Bible. Other than that, I enjoy the classics, mysteries, and more so, non-fiction. One fiction author whose writing I do enjoy is Audrey Niffenegger. She's highy imaginative! Also, I'd be terribly remiss if I didn't mention the British author Philip Watling here, also... I highly recommend his amazing life-and-death autobiography, "Flight Of A Lifetime" (on Amazon).
The Hamilton Tiger-Cats (CFL), of course!
Music (playing/performing, writing, and listening), photography, drawing/painting, graphic arts, computers and internet, digital graphic and website design / development, poetry, crafts of various kinds, nature and animals (especially dogs), the great outdoors, walking/hiking. I also enjoy conversation, and board games, word/strategy games, and various types of puzzles, to stimulate and exercise the grey matter!
Intelligence, sensibility, humour, compassion.
Musician (electric bass), photographer, graphic and web site designer, entrepreneur and owner of "Clever Brander", a business and personal identity branding service.
I've joined this website to connect with some friends who are on here, and possibly network. I'm not looking for a relationship at this point in my life, because I'm extremely busy these days, and hardly have time for myself at the moment - building a business as I'm currently doing, is a LOT of hard work. Even if I was in a position to consider meeting someone ( a man) with that possibility in mind, any prospective partner would have to meet some very important criteria that are absolutely non-negotiable for me. He'd have to be: 1. SINGLE. 2. A true, spiritual Christian. 3. VEGAN. 4. Non-smoking. 5. A very moderate (light), occasional social drinker or teetotaler. 6. Clean, neat, and responsible!